Ruby on Rails (often shortened to Rails) is a full-stack web application framework built on top of the Ruby programming language. It’s known for its convention over configuration (CoC) approach, rapid development features, and active and supportive community. Here’s what makes Rails stand out:
Full-Stack Framework: Provides tools for handling both server-side logic (using Ruby) and user interface (UI) development (using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). This eliminates the need for developers to learn and manage separate technologies for different parts of the application.
CoC Approach: Adheres to the CoC principle, meaning common tasks and patterns are pre-defined, reducing the need for extensive configuration and boilerplate code. This simplifies development and promotes consistency across projects.
Rapid Development: Offers features like automatic scaffolding, generators, and a robust ecosystem of libraries and plugins, enabling developers to build and deploy applications quickly.
MVC Architecture: Follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture to separate application logic (model), presentation (view), and user interaction (controller) into distinct layers, promoting better organization and maintainability.
Active and Supportive Community: Backed by a large and active community that provides extensive documentation, tutorials, and various resources, offering continuous support and learning opportunities for developers.