Are you looking to start a career as a freelance recruiter but don’t know where to begin? This blog post is for you. A lot of recruiters are in a rush to start without understanding if they are fit for freelance recruitment. What I mean by that is that every recruiter coming from an agency or any other background may feel they know recruitment, but they might not know the recruitment cycle because they were only responsible for the initial screening of resumes and conversations. So, to start as a freelance recruiter, you need to know first if you are fit for recruitment and freelancing, and if you are a good recruiter.

If you are not then it’s time to first learn recruitment, freelancing, and recruiting from scratch and then start taking freelance recruiting projects without which you might be able to secure clients but not successfully serve clients. One of the most important aspects of freelancing is that you need to have minimum working capital to invest in personal branding and services when you set up yourself.

Let’s understand the recruitment process for freelance recruiters.

Freelance recruiters typically follow the following recruitment process:

  1. Source candidates. Freelance recruiters source candidates from a variety of channels, including job boards, social media, and professional networks. They may also reach out to potential candidates directly.
  2. Screen candidates. Once the freelance recruiter has a pool of candidates, they will screen them to identify the most qualified candidates. This may involve reviewing resumes, conducting phone interviews, or giving skills assessments.
  3. Interview candidates. The freelance recruiter will then interview the top candidates to learn more about their skills, experience, and fit for the role.
  4. Present candidates to clients. The freelance recruiter will then present the top candidates to their clients. The client will then make the final decision on who to hire.

The freelance cycle is a term used to describe the stages that freelancers go through in their careers. It is not a linear process, and freelancers may move back and forth between stages at different times.

Here are the things you need to figure out before starting as a freelance recruiter on sourcing and recruiting candidates:

  • How will you source candidates for the roles?
  • Do you have a premium subscription to any job boards or portals?
  • Do you have a LinkedIn subscription?
  • Do you have a subscription to any other candidate databases?
  • What other methods do you use to source candidates?
  • Do you have a professional number in the country you are recruiting?
  • Do you have a place to set up your work environment including video calling?
  • Do you have recruiting email templates for sending job descriptions, interview requests, requests for a callback, right-to-represent, and voice message scripts?
  • How do you stay up-to-date on the latest sourcing trends and technologies?
  • Do you have ATS in place where you can store your candidate’s resumes?
  • Have you considered whether you want to recruit locally? nationally? or internationally?

If you are already familiar with sourcing and recruiting candidates then you need to get familiar with freelancing as a career and what to expect.

The following are some of the stages of the freelance cycle:

Newbie: This is the stage where freelancers are just getting started. They may be new to their field, or they may have experience but are new to freelancing. Newbies are typically focused on finding clients and building their portfolios.

Hustling: This is the stage where freelancers are working hard to build their businesses. They are actively marketing themselves and networking with potential clients. Hustlers are often working on multiple projects at the same time and may be struggling to balance their work and personal lives.

Established: This is the stage where freelancers have a steady stream of clients and projects. They have a good reputation in their field and are able to charge premium rates. Established freelancers may have the ability to be more selective about the projects they work on and may have more time for their personal lives.

Comfortable: This is the stage where freelancers have achieved their desired level of success. They have a strong client base, a healthy work-life balance, and are financially secure. Comfortable freelancers may be able to take on fewer projects or work shorter hours.

Stagnant: This is the stage where freelancers feel stuck in a rut. They may be bored with their work, or they may be struggling to find new clients. Stagnant freelancers may need to make some changes to their businesses in order to move forward.

Reinvention: This is the stage where freelancers decide to change their direction. They may start offering new services, or they may pivot to a different industry altogether. Reinventing oneself can be difficult, but it can also lead to new and exciting opportunities.

The freelance cycle is a natural part of being a freelancer. It is important to be aware of the different stages and to be prepared for the ups and downs. By understanding the freelance cycle, freelancers can better manage their careers and achieve their goals.

Here are some common mistakes that people make at every stage of the freelance cycle:


Not setting clear boundaries
Undercharging for services
Overpromising and underdelivering
Not having a strong portfolio
Not networking with other freelancers and potential clients


Working too much and not taking enough breaks
Not delegating tasks
Not investing in their businesses
Not saying no to projects
Not marketing themselves effectively


Getting complacent and not continuing to learn and grow
Not diversifying their income streams
Not taking care of their personal finances
Not taking enough time for themselves


Getting too comfortable and not taking on new challenges
Not reinvesting in their businesses
Not staying up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies
Not giving back to the community


Not being proactive and marketing themselves
Not networking with other freelancers and potential clients
Not staying up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies
Not being open to new opportunities


Not having a clear plan for their new direction
Not being patient and persistent
Not being willing to learn new skills
Not being open to feedback

It is important to be aware of these common mistakes so that you can avoid them as you progress through the freelance cycle. By learning from the mistakes of others, you can set yourself up for success as a freelancer.

Here are some additional tips for avoiding common freelance mistakes:

Set clear boundaries. It is important to set clear boundaries between your work and personal life. This means establishing regular work hours and taking breaks throughout the day. It also means saying no to projects that are outside of your scope of work or that will interfere with your personal time.

Charge your worth. Don’t be afraid to charge what you’re worth. Research rates for similar services in your industry and set your rates accordingly.

Under-promise and overdeliver. It is better to under-promise and overdeliver than to overpromise and underdeliver. This will help you to maintain a good reputation with your clients.

Build a strong portfolio. Your portfolio is your best marketing tool. Make sure to include your best work and to keep it up-to-date.

Network with other freelancers and potential clients. Networking is a great way to find new clients and learn from other freelancers. Attend industry events and meetups, and connect with other freelancers and potential clients on social media.

Invest in your business. This may include investing in website development, marketing, and other tools and resources that can help you to grow your business.

Diversify your income streams. Don’t rely on just one client or project. Try to diversify your income streams so that you’re not too dependent on any one source of income.

Take care of your personal finances. As a freelancer, it is important to be financially responsible. This means setting aside money for taxes, retirement, and unexpected expenses.

Take enough time for yourself. It is important to take breaks and to recharge in order to avoid burnout. Make sure to schedule time for yourself each day and week to relax and de-stress.

Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies. The freelance landscape is constantly changing, so it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies. This will help you to remain competitive and to offer your clients the best possible services.

Give back to the community. There are many ways to give back to the freelance community. You can mentor new freelancers, contribute to open-source projects, or simply share your knowledge and experience with others.

By following these tips, you can avoid common freelance mistakes and set yourself up for success.

Here are some tips for navigating the freelance cycle:

  • Newbie: Focus on building your portfolio and finding clients. Don’t be afraid to start small and gain experience.
  • Hustling: Be proactive and market yourself to potential clients. Network with other freelancers and industry professionals.
  • Established: Set clear boundaries and don’t be afraid to say no to projects that don’t align with your goals. Invest in your business and continue to learn new skills.
  • Comfortable: Don’t get complacent. Continue to challenge yourself and grow your business.
  • Stagnant: Don’t be afraid to make changes to your business. Try new things and explore different opportunities.
  • Reinvention: Be open to new possibilities. Don’t be afraid to pivot to a new direction if it’s what’s best for you.

No matter what stage of the freelance cycle you’re in, remember that you’re not alone. There are many resources available to help you succeed.

How do you want to get started as a freelance recruiter?

This is an important question to ask yourself before starting because this would define the future outcome of the efforts that you would put in for your freelance recruiting business. To put it in perspective what I mean is, do you want to start connecting with local, national, or international employers by yourself through cold calling or emailing and build your business or do you want to find a platform where you can sign up as a freelance recruiter and start working on requirements available on the platform to recruit. These two have separate requisites, requirements, and processes with common challenges and pros and cons of each.

Developing your own freelance recruiting business with clients of your own

You have more control over your business, including your clients, rates, and work hours.
You can build your own brand and reputation.
You can potentially earn more money, as you are not splitting your fees with a platform.

It can be difficult to find clients and build a successful business from scratch.
You need to be able to market and sell your services effectively.
You need to be able to manage your own time and workload.

Working on platforms that already have clients looking to hire on the platform

It’s easier to find clients and start working on projects immediately.
You don’t need to worry about marketing or selling your services.
You can often find a variety of projects to work on, which can help you to gain experience and build your portfolio.

You may have less control over your work, including your clients, rates, and work hours.
You may have to compete with other freelance recruiters on the platform.
You may have to pay a fee to the platform for each project that you complete.

Which option is right for you?

The best option for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you’re looking for more control and flexibility, then developing your own freelance recruiting business may be the best option for you. If you’re looking for a more hands-off approach, then working on a platform may be a better option.

Here are some additional things to consider when making your decision:

  • Your experience and skills: If you have a lot of experience and skills in recruiting, then you may be more successful in developing your own business. If you’re new to recruiting, then working on a platform may be a better way to start.
  • Your budget: It can take some time to build up a successful freelance recruiting business. If you have a limited budget, then working on a platform may be a better option because you can start working on projects immediately.
  • Your goals: What are your long-term goals for your freelance recruiting career? If you want to eventually start your own recruiting agency, then developing your own business may be the best option. If you’re happy working as a freelance recruiter, then working on a platform may be a better option.

Once you’ve considered all of these factors, you can make an informed decision about whether to develop your own freelance recruiting business or work on a platform.

Additional tips:

If you decide to develop your own freelance recruiting business, start by networking with people in your industry. Attend industry events and meetups, and connect with people on LinkedIn. You can also start cold calling and emailing potential clients.

To develop your own freelance recruiting business you need to search, find, and collect employer data to reach out for your services which you can use in Excel to maintain data or buy a CRM license for storing leads information.

If you decide to work on a platform, choose a platform that has a good reputation and that offers a variety of projects that you are interested in. Be sure to read the terms of service carefully before signing up.

If you decide to work through a platform then you would need to have a network of candidates, databases, access to job boards and portals, and job advertising sites because your first part of the business is taken care of by the platform now you need to have your tools, process, and systems in place for your work.

Here are some tips on how to choose a freelance recruiting platform that has a good reputation:

  • Read reviews from other freelancers. One of the best ways to learn about a platform is to read reviews from other freelancers who have used it. This can give you an idea of the platform’s pros and cons, as well as the kind of experience that other freelancers have had with it.
  • Look at the platform’s fees and terms of service. Be sure to read the platform’s fees and terms of service carefully before signing up. This will help you to understand the costs involved and the platform’s policies.
  • Make sure the platform has a good selection of projects. When choosing a platform, it is important to make sure that it has a good selection of projects that you are interested in working on. You should also make sure that the platform has a good mix of clients, including small businesses, startups, and large corporations.
  • Consider the platform’s features and tools. Some platforms offer more features and tools than others. Consider which features and tools are important to you and choose a platform that offers them.
  • Ask other freelancers for recommendations. If you know any other freelancers, ask them for recommendations on platforms that they have used and liked.

Here are some specific freelance recruiting platforms that have a good reputation:

  • Toptal
  • Upwork
  • LinkedIn
  • Fiverr

These platforms offer a variety of features and tools to help you find and work on projects, connect with clients, and manage your business.

Once you start working on projects, be sure to deliver high-quality work and meet your deadlines. This will help you to build a good reputation and to attract more clients.

Do you want to learn the step-by-step process of freelance recruitment?

Do you want the list of 40+ platforms specialized only in staffing and recruiting for freelancers curated?

Do you want platforms where you can recruit locally? nationally and internationally?

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You can check out our course here.

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