Consulting business is a type of business that provides professional advice and guidance to other businesses or organizations. Consultants can help businesses to solve problems, improve their performance, and develop new strategies.

Consulting business practice is a set of procedures and guidelines that a consulting business follows in order to deliver its services. This may include things like how the business acquires clients, how it conducts its engagements, and how it delivers its recommendations.

Here are some of the key features of consulting businesses:

  • Expertise: Consultants are experts in their field and can provide valuable insights and advice to their clients.
  • Objectivity: Consultants are typically outsiders to the businesses they work with, which allows them to provide an objective perspective.
  • Results-oriented: Consultants are typically focused on helping their clients to achieve specific results.

Consulting businesses can provide a wide range of services, including:

  • Strategic planning: Helping businesses to develop and implement long-term strategies.
  • Operational improvement: Helping businesses to improve their efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Change management: Helping businesses to manage change effectively.
  • Problem-solving: Helping businesses to solve specific problems.
  • Risk management: Helping businesses to identify and manage risks.
  • Technology consulting: Helping businesses to implement and use new technologies.
  • Human resources consulting: Helping businesses with human resources issues, such as recruitment, training, and compensation.

Consulting businesses can play a valuable role in helping businesses to succeed. By providing expertise, objectivity, and a results-oriented approach, consultants can help businesses to solve problems, improve their performance, and achieve their goals.

Here are some examples of consulting business practices:

  • A consulting business that specializes in helping businesses to develop new marketing strategies may have a practice that involves conducting market research, developing marketing plans, and implementing marketing campaigns.
  • A consulting business that specializes in helping businesses to improve their operational efficiency may have a practice that involves analyzing business processes, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing new processes.
  • A consulting business that specializes in helping businesses to manage change may have a practice that involves developing change management plans, communicating with employees about change, and managing the implementation of change.

Consulting companies make money by charging their clients for the time and expertise of their consultants. Consulting fees can vary widely depending on the industry, the specific services provided, and the experience of the consultants.

Here are some of the ways that consulting companies make money:

Hourly billing: The most common way for consulting companies to make money is to charge their clients an hourly rate for the time that their consultants spend working on the client’s project.
Fixed fee: Some consulting companies charge their clients a fixed fee for a specific project or engagement. This type of billing is often used for projects with a well-defined scope and timeline.
Value-based billing: Some consulting companies charge their clients a fee based on the value that they deliver to the client. This type of billing is often used for projects with a more uncertain scope or timeline.
Reimbursable expenses: In addition to their fees, consulting companies may also charge their clients for reimbursable expenses, such as travel and lodging expenses.

Consulting companies can also generate revenue from other sources, such as:

Product sales: Some consulting companies develop and sell their own products, such as software or training materials.
Speaking fees: Some consultants are also speakers and may charge speaking fees for giving presentations or workshops.
Affiliate commissions: Some consulting companies earn affiliate commissions by referring their clients to other businesses or organizations.
Consulting companies can be very profitable businesses. According to a study by the American Management Association, the average profit margin for consulting companies is 15%. However, profit margins can vary widely depending on the size of the consulting company, the industry it operates in, and the specific services it provides.

Types of consulting business

There are many different types of consulting businesses, but some of the most common include:

  • Management consulting: Management consultants help businesses to improve their performance and achieve their goals. They may provide services such as strategic planning, operational improvement, and change management.
  • Technology consulting: Technology consultants help businesses to implement and use new technologies. They may provide services such as IT strategy, system integration, and software development.
  • Human resources consulting: Human resources consultants help businesses with human resources issues, such as recruitment, training, and compensation.
  • Financial consulting: Financial consultants help businesses with financial issues, such as accounting, tax planning, and investment management.
  • Marketing consulting: Marketing consultants help businesses to develop and implement marketing strategies. They may provide services such as market research, branding, and advertising


Consulting businesses can operate in any industry, but some of the most common industries include:

  • Financial services: Financial services companies often use consultants to help them with tasks such as compliance, risk management, and fraud prevention.
  • Healthcare: Healthcare organizations often use consultants to help them with tasks such as strategic planning, operational improvement, and change management.
  • Technology: Technology companies often use consultants to help them with tasks such as product development, IT strategy, and system integration.
  • Retail: Retail companies often use consultants to help them with tasks such as marketing, supply chain management, and store operations.
  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing companies often use consultants to help them with tasks such as process improvement, quality control, and supply chain management.


Within each industry, there are often different verticals that consulting businesses can specialize in. For example, a consulting business that specializes in the financial services industry may further specialize in the banking vertical or the insurance vertical.

Here are some examples of verticals:

  • Banking: Banking consulting businesses help banks to improve their performance and achieve their goals. They may provide services such as strategic planning, operational improvement, and risk management.
  • Insurance: Insurance consulting businesses help insurance companies to improve their performance and achieve their goals. They may provide services such as product development, pricing, and claims management.
  • Healthcare: Healthcare consulting businesses help healthcare organizations to improve their performance and achieve their goals. They may provide services such as strategic planning, operational improvement, and merger and acquisition services.
  • Technology: Technology consulting businesses help technology companies to improve their performance and achieve their goals. They may provide services such as product development, IT strategy, and software development.
  • Retail: Retail consulting businesses help retail companies to improve their performance and achieve their goals. They may provide services such as marketing, supply chain management, and store operations.


In addition to specializing in a particular industry or vertical, consulting businesses can also specialize in a particular area of expertise. For example, a technology consulting business may specialize in cloud computing, cybersecurity, or data analytics.

Here are some examples of specializations:

  • Cloud computing: Cloud computing consulting businesses help businesses to implement and use cloud computing technologies.
  • Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity consulting businesses help businesses to protect themselves from cyberattacks.
  • Data analytics: Data analytics consulting businesses help businesses to collect, analyze, and use data to improve their decision-making.
  • Change management: Change management consulting businesses help businesses to manage change effectively.
  • Mergers and acquisitions: Mergers and acquisitions consulting businesses help businesses to plan and execute mergers and acquisitions.

By specializing in a particular industry, vertical, or area of expertise, consulting businesses can differentiate themselves from the competition and attract clients who are looking for their specific expertise.

Consulting companies hire talent from offshore to bring onsite in a variety of ways. Some of the most common methods include:

  • Direct recruitment: Consulting companies can recruit offshore talent directly through their own websites, job boards, and social media channels. They can also work with offshore recruitment agencies to find qualified candidates.
  • Partnerships: Consulting companies can partner with offshore universities and technical schools to identify and recruit talented students and graduates.
  • Acquisitions: Consulting companies can acquire offshore consulting firms to gain access to their talent pool.
  • Transfers: Consulting companies can transfer their existing employees from onshore to offshore locations and vice versa.

Once a consulting company has identified and recruited offshore talent, they will need to take steps to bring them onsite. This process can vary depending on the country of origin of the employee and the immigration laws of the country where the employee will be working.

Here are some of the steps that consulting companies typically take to bring offshore talent onsite:

  1. Secure a work visa: The consulting company will need to secure a work visa for the offshore employee. This process can be complex and time-consuming, so it is important to start early.
  2. Provide relocation assistance: The consulting company may also need to provide relocation assistance to the offshore employee. This may include helping them to find housing, transportation, and other services.
  3. Onboard the employee: Once the offshore employee has arrived in the country where they will be working, the consulting company will need to onboard them. This may include providing them with training on the company’s culture, policies, and procedures.

Bringing offshore talent onsite can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it can be a valuable way for consulting companies to access a wider pool of talent and save money on labor costs.

Here are some of the benefits of hiring offshore talent:

  • Access to a wider pool of talent: Offshore countries have a large pool of talented professionals who are willing to work for lower salaries than onshore professionals.
  • Cost savings: Offshore labor costs are typically lower than onshore labor costs. This can help consulting companies to save money on their staffing costs.
  • Improved diversity: Hiring offshore talent can help consulting companies to improve the diversity of their workforce. This can be beneficial for both the company and its clients.

Here are some of the challenges of hiring offshore talent:

  • Communication challenges: Language and cultural barriers can make it difficult to communicate effectively with offshore employees.
  • Time zone differences: Time zone differences can make it difficult to schedule meetings and collaborate with offshore employees.
  • Legal and regulatory compliance: Consulting companies need to comply with all applicable laws and regulations when hiring offshore talent. This can be complex and time-consuming.

Despite the challenges, hiring offshore talent can be a valuable way for consulting companies to access a wider pool of talent, save money on labor costs, and improve the diversity of their workforce.

How to develop your consulting business?

To develop a consulting business from scratch by hiring a team, investing in tools and technology, and processes, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define your niche. What type of consulting business do you want to start? What industries or verticals will you focus on? What services will you offer?
  2. Research the market. Is there a demand for your services? Who are your target clients? What are their needs and pain points?
  3. Develop a business plan. This will help you to define your goals, strategies, and financial projections.
  4. Build a team. Hire qualified and experienced consultants who can help you to deliver your services.
  5. Invest in tools and technology. Invest in the tools and technology that you need to deliver your services effectively. This may include software, hardware, and cloud-based services.
  6. Develop processes. Develop processes for managing your business, including client onboarding, project management, and quality control.

Here are some specific tips for each step:

Defining your niche

When defining your niche, it is important to consider your skills and experience, as well as the market demand for your services. You should also consider your interests and passions. What are you passionate about? What industries or verticals are you most knowledgeable about?

Researching the market

Once you have defined your niche, you need to research the market to understand the demand for your services. You can do this by talking to potential clients, reading industry reports, and conducting online research.

Developing a business plan

A business plan is a roadmap for your consulting business. It should outline your goals, strategies, and financial projections. A well-written business plan will help you to attract investors and partners, and it will also help you to stay on track as you grow your business.

Building a team

When building your team, it is important to hire qualified and experienced consultants who can help you to deliver your services. You should also look for consultants who are a good fit for your company culture.

Investing in tools and technology

The tools and technology that you need will vary depending on the type of consulting business that you operate. However, some common tools and technologies include:

  • Customer relationship management (CRM) software
  • Project management software
  • Communication tools such as Slack and Zoom
  • Cloud-based storage services such as Google Drive and Dropbox

Developing processes

Processes are essential for managing your consulting business efficiently and effectively. Some common processes include:

  • Client onboarding process
  • Project management process
  • Quality control process

Here are some additional tips for developing a successful consulting business:

  • Focus on customer satisfaction: Provide excellent customer service and deliver high-quality work. This will help you to build a good reputation and attract repeat business.
  • Market your business: Market your services to potential clients through networking, advertising, and social media.
  • Stay up-to-date on industry trends: Stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends and developments. This will help you to provide your clients with the best possible advice and services.
  • Invest in your team: Invest in the training and development of your team. This will help them to stay up-to-date on the latest skills and knowledge.

Starting and growing a consulting business takes time, effort, and dedication. However, by following the steps above, you can increase your chances of success.

Consulting Business Plan Step-by-Step

  1. Executive Summary

The executive summary is a one-page overview of your business plan. It should include your company’s mission, vision, and values. It should also summarize your business model, target market, and financial projections.

  1. Company Description

The company description provides more detail about your business. It should include information about your industry, products or services, and competitive landscape. It should also describe your company’s unique selling proposition (USP).

  1. Target Market

The target market section describes your ideal customer. It should include information about their demographics, needs, and pain points. It should also describe how you plan to reach your target market.

  1. Business Model

The business model section describes how you plan to make money. It should include information about your pricing strategy, cost structure, and revenue streams.

  1. Marketing Plan

The marketing plan describes how you plan to attract and retain customers. It should include information about your marketing strategies, channels, and budget.

  1. Operations Plan

The operations plan describes how you plan to deliver your services. It should include information about your team, processes, and technology.

  1. Financial Projections

The financial projections section includes your company’s projected income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. It should also include your break-even point and projected growth rate.

  1. Management Team

The management team section provides information about your company’s founders and key employees. It should highlight their skills and experience.

  1. Exit Strategy

The exit strategy section describes how you plan to exit your business in the future. It may include information about selling your business, taking it public, or passing it down to family members.

Tips for Writing a Successful Consulting Business Plan

  • Be clear and concise. Your business plan should be easy to read and understand. Avoid using jargon and technical language.
  • Be specific. Don’t make vague statements. Instead, provide specific details about your business, target market, and financial projections.
  • Be realistic. Don’t overstate your claims or make unrealistic promises.
  • Be flexible. Your business plan is a living document. Update it regularly as your business grows and changes.

Writing a business plan is an important step in starting any business, but it is especially important for consulting businesses. A well-written business plan will help you to attract clients, investors, and partners. It will also help you to stay on track as you grow your business.

Where to register your consulting business in the USA?

To register your consulting business in the USA, you will need to register it with the Secretary of State in the state where you will be operating your business. The requirements for registering a business vary from state to state, so it is important to check with the Secretary of State in your state for specific instructions.

In general, to register your consulting business, you will need to:

  1. Choose a business name and file a DBA (Doing Business As) name with the Secretary of State.
  2. Choose a business structure, such as a sole proprietorship, LLC, or corporation.
  3. File the necessary paperwork with the Secretary of State to form your business entity.
  4. Obtain a business license from your city or county.
  5. Pay any applicable taxes and fees.

Once you have completed these steps, your consulting business will be officially registered in the USA.

Here are some tips for choosing where to register your consulting business:

  • Consider the tax implications. Some states have higher taxes than others.
  • Consider the business climate. Some states are more business-friendly than others.
  • Consider the cost of doing business. Some states have higher costs of living and doing business than others.
  • Consider your target market. If you plan to serve clients in a particular state, you may want to register your business in that state.

It is also important to note that you may need to register your business in multiple states if you plan to operate in multiple states.

Here are some additional resources that may be helpful:

  • Small Business Administration (SBA):
  • Secretary of State websites:

The top states to register your consulting business in the USA based on benefits are:

  • Delaware
  • Nevada
  • Wyoming
  • Texas
  • Florida

These states offer a number of benefits to consulting businesses, including:

  • Low taxes: Delaware, Nevada, Wyoming, and Texas all have no corporate income tax. Florida has a very low corporate income tax rate of 5.5%.
  • Business-friendly environment: These states all have business-friendly environments, with relatively few regulations and low startup costs.
  • Strong economy: These states all have strong economies, with a growing number of businesses and clients.

Here is a more detailed overview of each state:


Delaware is a popular state for incorporating businesses, including consulting businesses. This is because Delaware has no corporate income tax and a very business-friendly environment. Delaware also has a Chancery Court, which is a specialized court that handles business disputes.


Nevada is another popular state for incorporating businesses, including consulting businesses. This is because Nevada has no corporate income tax and a very business-friendly environment. Nevada also has a law that protects the confidentiality of business records.


Wyoming is a good state for incorporating businesses, including consulting businesses, if you want to maintain your privacy. This is because Wyoming has a law that allows businesses to choose their own registered agent, including out-of-state registered agents. Wyoming also has a law that protects the confidentiality of business records.


Texas is a good state for incorporating businesses, including consulting businesses, if you want to be located in a state with a strong economy and a low cost of living. Texas has no corporate income tax and a relatively low business tax rate. Texas also has a growing number of businesses and clients.


Florida is a good state for incorporating businesses, including consulting businesses, if you want to be located in a state with a strong economy and a warm climate. Florida has a very low corporate income tax rate of 5.5%. Florida also has a growing number of businesses and clients.

When choosing a state to register your consulting business in, it is important to consider your specific needs and goals. You should also consult with an attorney or accountant to get advice on the best state for your business.

Here is a list of the top 50 consulting companies in the USA without photos, based on the Vault Consulting 50 ranking for 2023:

  1. McKinsey & Company
  2. The Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
  3. Bain & Company
  4. Deloitte Consulting
  5. PwC Consulting
  6. EY Consulting
  7. KPMG Consulting
  8. Accenture
  9. IBM Consulting
  10. Alvarez & Marsal
  11. Strategy&
  12. West Monroe Partners
  13. Kearney
  14. Arthur D. Little
  15. Oliver Wyman
  16. L.E.K. Consulting
  17. Roland Berger
  18. Parthenon Group
  19. Avascent
  20. Guidehouse
  21. AlixPartners
  22. FTI Consulting
  23. Huron Consulting Group
  24. Capgemini Invent
  25. Navigant
  26. Protiviti
  27. KPMG Enterprise Consulting
  28. EY Parthenon
  29. Deloitte Strategy & Analytics
  30. PwC Strategy&
  31. Monitor Deloitte
  32. Simon-Kucher & Partners
  33. L.E.K. Consulting
  34. Egon Zehnder
  35. Korn Ferry
  36. Spencer Stuart
  37. Russell Reynolds Associates
  38. Heidrick & Struggles
  39. McKinsey Digital
  40. Deloitte Digital
  41. PwC Digital
  42. EY Digital
  43. KPMG Digital
  44. IBM iX
  45. Accenture Interactive
  46. Capgemini Engineering
  47. Cognizant Consulting
  48. Infosys Consulting
  49. Wipro Consulting
  50. HCLTech Consulting

This list is based on a variety of factors, including revenue, prestige, and employee satisfaction. It is important to note that this is just a snapshot of the consulting industry in the USA, and there are many other excellent consulting companies operating in the country.